Thursday, October 31, 2013

We Broke Down...

We finally broke down... we just couldn't do it anymore... trying to keep up but it is near impossible.  Those dang white tile floors- They WILL NOT stay clean. EVER. 

We broke down... and hired a maid.  Zahor will come once a week, clean our apartment, cook us a tagine dinner and make us the traditional Moroccan mint tea.

All day yesterday, I was giddy like a kid at Christmas time.  I was going to go home to my clean apartment, a delicious tagine and put the kids to bed early.  I couldn't wait.  When I walked in, the floors were the cleanest I had seen yet.  Shiny- crumb free floors.  Unheard of in our house.  All three of us took off our shoes immediately and put on socks.  Mr. F and I are determined to keep this floor clean, relish it for at least a couple days. From this point forward, Wednesdays are definitely one day of the week I look forward to! 

School has been busy, but great.  We just had picture day, which is very informal, but at least captures the kiddos in their new grade level.

Today, ASM is celebrating Halloween.  My students came dressed up in costumes, prepared for a school parade around the football field and brought snacks for a party this afternoon.  They are very hyped up, but I am rolling with it as we don't get this opportunity in The States school systems anymore, so why not?! 

Batman, Pippi, and Mike Wazowski

Tomorrow, we have parent-teacher conferences, so the candy dazed kids get to stay home (whoop! whoop!) and I get a whole day to meet with my 12 parents in 15 minute increments.  Cake walk.  Then, we are lucky to have a week off for Green March and the Islamic New Year.  Mr. F and I decided to make the trek to Northern Morocco on the overnight train to Chefchaouen for a few days.  We will update all of you with our adventures upon our return!

We hope all of you at home are going to enjoy your Halloween celebration in The States!  Our love to you.



Monday, October 28, 2013

A Weekend with Mike Wazowski and Batman

This past weekend, Joe took an overnight trip to a village at the base of Mount Toubkal.  He will blog about his amazing adventure, but here is a snap shot of my night.  I had two children who BEGGED merciless to sleep in mom's bed.  So, being a sucker, I gave in.  Chad, as usual, is using Happy as a pillow.  This happens often when they sleep together.

Happy Pillow

 Our Saturday was very eventful, we went to the veggie market and bought our veggies with Nick and Anna and showed them 'the ways' of the veggie market.  We then dressed our children up in their Halloween costumes for some expat community trick or treating.  I made Happy's costume from stolen felt from my classroom that a previous teacher brought from The States, a purchased green shirt, and a borrowed sewing kit from my lovely friend Danielle.  Chad's costume on the other hand was purchased from the United Kingdom and brought back.  Yep, a Spiderman costume would have cost me about $100 USD... ouch. Here are my little cuties: Mike Wazouski and Batman!

Of course, I had to capture our family all dressed up before we took off to trick or treat around the apartment complex.  Malin organized which apartments to go to, so Joe stayed home and answered the door while I trucked around with our two crazy kids.


 This is our good friend Nick with his victim Amelie.  As you can see, Dracula likes British children...

 So off we went, knocking door to door asking for candy.  Chad has the routine down pat.  Happy on the other hand, was trying to eat all the candy right when she got it...  of course, she squeezed each person and said thank you!  She is too cute for her own good.

 A larger group of kiddos gathered to continue trick or treating through the rest of Nakhil.  The children have really grown to love on another and often run around playing apartment to apartment.  It has been really nice for Chad and Claire-- they just run up the stairs to either Maia's apartment or Laiad's apartment to play!  Sometimes, our door bell rings endlessly and we have 5 to 7 children just playing about the apartment.  I definately think more children are easier to take care of when they are all not yours.  FREE ENTERAINMENT.

Maia as a scary witch.  Her 'rawr' face!

Joe handing out candy to trick or treaters.

A very Happy Dad with very happy children
 Meet Ritchie, she is from the Philippines and is beyond amazing.  She purchased a special treat for Batman:)  Happy wanted to hold Ritchie's hand and continue trick or treating with her all through building F. 

We knocked on Patrick's apartment door to go trick or treating and he had a bowl of mushrooms for the kids.  Maia, she loves mushrooms so she fell for the trick.  She even bit into it.  Patrick was just waiting for the kids to ask for candy, but no one did.  He probably could have kept it all for himself:) All the kids, young and old stared awkwardly except for Maia and Claire kept saying "I want a mushroom."

Maia's mushroom face
 Danielle, my lovely teaching partner.  She is beyond amazing.  Especially as a panda. 
Claire, Danielle, Maia, and Chad

Amy and Claire

Laiad took a ride in the stroller

Teaching partners and friends! 

Danielle, Lexie, Patrick (the mushroom man), Cari
 We all gathered in the courtyard to walk to Malin's house at Hotel Toulassain.  She had donuts, cider, treats and lots of sofa space.  We all talked and enjoyed each other's company.  It was a fantastic day.
The expat community in the courtyard

Ceibel and Diego


A candy tired Happy

We called it a night and walked home.  The kids ate their nutritious dinner (aka not candy) and watched Despicable Me II.  As you can tell by the Chad Man, they were tired from the sugar crash. 
Real nutrition for the belly!  Candy break:)
While the kids ate, Joe and I decided that we would bring in our patio table into the kitchen.  The kitchen happens to be our only escape and paradise from our children.  We have continuously kicked them out of the kitchen because they like to play in there.  So, we shoved the refrigerator to the door, the washer to the window and shoved our two adult bodies to enjoy our time together.  We set up cribbage, ate hobz bread and drank adult beverages.  Now, the problem with this is... the children have taken the table as an invite to hangout in the kitchen.  I am pretty sure they are trying to teach us a lesson.  Smart kids. 

I finally got around to putting our veggies away from the veggie market.  You know your fruits and veggies are fresh when you find a new friend inside the bag.  Chad and Joe made him a new home.  Chad predicts that he is going to turn into a butterfly.

On Sunday, we decided to spend time with Nick and Anna.  I love the souks. I alway buys something.

Amelie crashed out

Happy crashed out

Chad waiting patiently in the blanket shop
Anna and I walked ahead of the men.  (They kept stopping and shopping... couldn't keep up!)  The scarf guy gave us a demo of the different dyes and colors.  He decided to wrap me up and call me Fatima Berber.

And Maia...

And Anna... who was dubbed Aisha Couscous...

Joe purchased a Moroccan tobac pipe.  Maia really wanted to look like Joe.  This my friends, is called good parenting.  By the way, we are NOT her parents:) We might claim her though.

My baby holding a baby... STOP it Claire!

In the end, we made some great purchases.  I love my new souk shoes.  Real leather and super comfy.  Moroccan footwear at its finest!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy Turns Two!

The last two days have called for celebration in our household-- Happy turned two!  We decided we would invite the expat community and friends that we have managed to develop in the short few months we have been here to come to our apartment for cake and snacks. 

Our apartment door bell kept ringing and wonderful people kept streaming in.  At one point, our apartment became so loud in the living room, that I could no longer hear the door bell ring.  Poor Jill knocked for a few minutes, called my cell phone and rang the door bell. Finally, a three year old heard the door bell ring and let Jill in.

Hiding and playing at the start of her birthday party!

Claire loves Maia!

The boys just chillin'

Our amazing expat family

Hello Maya!  Where is Chad?

Danielle, Aisha and baby Amelie



She did learn!

Daddy practicing with Happy

The gathering of men... and Happy and Anna:)

Kiddos and Cake

The kids ran about the apartment, played, jumped, legoed, etc... there was upwards of 12 kids at one point which was fantastic!  All those little feet running about.  The other interesting thing about celebrating birthdays here is that all of Claire's friends handed her specificallyl her present and she was supposed to open them immediately.  She didn't merely because of the fact that she didn't really grasp that we were celebrating her.  She knew we were partying, but not specifically why. 

Joe and our friend Anna baked a cake nearly all day.  The cake turned out to be more than I could have ever imagined!  Their combined skills and creativity surely made this cake one of a kind and special for just our Happy girl. 

As we sang her 'Happy Birthday' she started off, confused, a little scared and checking with daddy to just ensure that everything was okay.  She blew out her candles (twice) and we ate and enjoyed her cake. 

"The look"

Making wishes

As a lot of people filed out the door and said their goodbyes, we decided to start opening presents since our apartment was a little bit quiter for a little overwhelmed girl.  She was thrilled with every present and thanked everyone for the gifts they gave her.  I do believe even everyone got squeezes too!  Claire is such an amazing and grateful girl.  She appreciated just the love and the thought.

As the doorbell kept ringing and as I kept looking around, I became overwhelmed with the kindness and out pour of love that everyone showed our family tonight.  People sat on the floor, stood up in corners and just talked and spent time together.  Diego took pictures, Aisha cut cake with me, Nick handed out cake with me, Joe talked with other men and started to build more friendships. Our house has never felt so full before especially being so far away from those we love at home.  All our friends here helped fill peices of holes that I feel when I am thinking of home and those we have temporarily left in The States. 

After everyone left, Joe talked with a new friend from our apartment for hours.  He is helping Joe learn Arabic.  I might just buy myself a Bjorn so I can attach myself to Joe because I am pretty sure that he is going to be fluent in Arabic and he will be able to get us around without a problem in no time!

On Claire's actual birthday, we celebrated her as much as we could.  She stayed home with Joe all day and he spoiled her rotten.  She got to eat anything she wanted which meant when I came home from work, she was covered in Nutella.  That girl LOVES Nutella. 

We decided that a trip to Dino's Gelato was in order so we walked our happy selves to go have cafĂ© au lait and ice cream.  We kept singing her 'Happy Birthday' and she would join in and smile:)  We sat down and ordered a huge pineapple ice cream dessert that was outrageous.  While we waited for our order we merely played and talked...

The pineapple dessert came to our table and I am pretty sure that I said "whoa" out loud.  It was full of fruit, vanilla, banana and strawberry gelato with an amazing amount of whipped cream.


We devoured our dessert, then walked back home with a quick pit stop.  Claire and I played outside while Joe and Chad ran inside to buy a few necessities.  She was a doll playing and wearing her new kitty purse from Danielle.

When we arrived home, it was present time!  What I love and appreciate about this girl is that she is so honestly grateful and loves her toys, but birthday time was definitely just about being exactly who she is-- Happy.  She got a bucket and toys for the bath and beach from Chad, and Mike Wazowski Addidas shoes and a Hello Kitty scooter from Mom and Dad!  She enjoyed her time playing with all three! 

We had a wonderful second birthday celebration with our Happy Girl.  She truly is a light in our world and we loved celebrating her day of birth!

