Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy Turns Two!

The last two days have called for celebration in our household-- Happy turned two!  We decided we would invite the expat community and friends that we have managed to develop in the short few months we have been here to come to our apartment for cake and snacks. 

Our apartment door bell kept ringing and wonderful people kept streaming in.  At one point, our apartment became so loud in the living room, that I could no longer hear the door bell ring.  Poor Jill knocked for a few minutes, called my cell phone and rang the door bell. Finally, a three year old heard the door bell ring and let Jill in.

Hiding and playing at the start of her birthday party!

Claire loves Maia!

The boys just chillin'

Our amazing expat family

Hello Maya!  Where is Chad?

Danielle, Aisha and baby Amelie



She did learn!

Daddy practicing with Happy

The gathering of men... and Happy and Anna:)

Kiddos and Cake

The kids ran about the apartment, played, jumped, legoed, etc... there was upwards of 12 kids at one point which was fantastic!  All those little feet running about.  The other interesting thing about celebrating birthdays here is that all of Claire's friends handed her specificallyl her present and she was supposed to open them immediately.  She didn't merely because of the fact that she didn't really grasp that we were celebrating her.  She knew we were partying, but not specifically why. 

Joe and our friend Anna baked a cake nearly all day.  The cake turned out to be more than I could have ever imagined!  Their combined skills and creativity surely made this cake one of a kind and special for just our Happy girl. 

As we sang her 'Happy Birthday' she started off, confused, a little scared and checking with daddy to just ensure that everything was okay.  She blew out her candles (twice) and we ate and enjoyed her cake. 

"The look"

Making wishes

As a lot of people filed out the door and said their goodbyes, we decided to start opening presents since our apartment was a little bit quiter for a little overwhelmed girl.  She was thrilled with every present and thanked everyone for the gifts they gave her.  I do believe even everyone got squeezes too!  Claire is such an amazing and grateful girl.  She appreciated just the love and the thought.

As the doorbell kept ringing and as I kept looking around, I became overwhelmed with the kindness and out pour of love that everyone showed our family tonight.  People sat on the floor, stood up in corners and just talked and spent time together.  Diego took pictures, Aisha cut cake with me, Nick handed out cake with me, Joe talked with other men and started to build more friendships. Our house has never felt so full before especially being so far away from those we love at home.  All our friends here helped fill peices of holes that I feel when I am thinking of home and those we have temporarily left in The States. 

After everyone left, Joe talked with a new friend from our apartment for hours.  He is helping Joe learn Arabic.  I might just buy myself a Bjorn so I can attach myself to Joe because I am pretty sure that he is going to be fluent in Arabic and he will be able to get us around without a problem in no time!

On Claire's actual birthday, we celebrated her as much as we could.  She stayed home with Joe all day and he spoiled her rotten.  She got to eat anything she wanted which meant when I came home from work, she was covered in Nutella.  That girl LOVES Nutella. 

We decided that a trip to Dino's Gelato was in order so we walked our happy selves to go have café au lait and ice cream.  We kept singing her 'Happy Birthday' and she would join in and smile:)  We sat down and ordered a huge pineapple ice cream dessert that was outrageous.  While we waited for our order we merely played and talked...

The pineapple dessert came to our table and I am pretty sure that I said "whoa" out loud.  It was full of fruit, vanilla, banana and strawberry gelato with an amazing amount of whipped cream.


We devoured our dessert, then walked back home with a quick pit stop.  Claire and I played outside while Joe and Chad ran inside to buy a few necessities.  She was a doll playing and wearing her new kitty purse from Danielle.

When we arrived home, it was present time!  What I love and appreciate about this girl is that she is so honestly grateful and loves her toys, but birthday time was definitely just about being exactly who she is-- Happy.  She got a bucket and toys for the bath and beach from Chad, and Mike Wazowski Addidas shoes and a Hello Kitty scooter from Mom and Dad!  She enjoyed her time playing with all three! 

We had a wonderful second birthday celebration with our Happy Girl.  She truly is a light in our world and we loved celebrating her day of birth!



1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Happy too! I just want to squeeze her and Chad. Cool scooter. XO
