Friday, October 11, 2013

Change of Pace-- for the Better!

I may be sitting here slacking a bit at work.  It is lunch time and I should probably be using this time to work on my daunting self-initiated task of writing a year's worth of writing lesson plans in a nice template... but instead I am thinking of you all at home!  So, I am taking this time to blog update with what has been happening here in The 'Kech, and how my lovely family is coming along here.

Walking about Marrakech-- Notice the Donkey Cart??

Well, now that Joe is here, let's admit, I am actually now eating tasty home cooked meals.  Ha.  You all thought that I actually started cooking here in Morocco... nope.  I was surviving on steamed veggies and chicken.  Bland chicken.  We bought Joe a bbq at Kitea and now that he is here to continue to be the master of the grill, I have had the most wonderful meals at home!  In addition, we found a FANTASTIC butcher that is clean and the meat is amazing.  Joe has grilled us up some chicken rolls with veggies inside and last night, some tasty pita burgers sautéed with zucchini and diced tomatoes. 

Finished putting together the BBQ

Ah, the faces of Joe and the crazy of Lexie- Look at that FOOD!

Sometimes we get a good one.

The first weekend that my family arrived, I was dying to take my family to the veggie market, buy our veggies and have the bread and tea.

Danielle and the fam at the Veggie Market

We walked away spending less than $10 on our veggies for the week!  Whoo hooo!  I was also incredibly anxious to take Claire to Oasiria to swim and play and watch Chad slide down the water slides and frolic about.  On Sunday, we invited Nick and Anna from the UK to join us with their two daughters Maia and Amelie. 

Maia and Claire after Oasiria
Claire playing with Amelie's toes

As you can see, we had a blast!  It was a much needed relaxing day filled with nothing but joy, good food, an amazing lazy river and possibly a little full grand taxi ride home:)  I told Joe and Nick that this picture may be one of my new favorites.  Anna and I rode much more comfortably in the back seat with Chad, Claire, Maia, and Amelie... not sure how these logistics worked out, but then men squished their muscles in the front.

That's a whole-lotta man!

The most exciting, yet unbelievable thing is Claire has officially started school.  She is attending ASM in KG0.  I take advantage of my preps and peek at here like a crazy possessive mom.  I am sure Joe approves of that though:)  She sits criss-cross on the carpet listening to stories, eats her lunch and plays on the playground like a little person.  It is heartbreaking and exciting to think my baby girl is becoming a big girl-- such mixed emotions.

Exploring school

Crazy eyebrow!

She is settling into Morocco really well.  She has gotten a lot of kisses and hellos from the locals here.  Moroccan's absolutely LOVE kids which makes life here very welcoming.  Claire has been a joy to many people here in Morocco just like she is in all of our lives at home.  Since we walk everywhere, Claire and Chad often hold hands and gallop down the side walks dodging poles, ditches, bricks, etc... She has also caught on that Marrakech is "a city of steps" and takes advantage of these obstacles by jumping off nearly every step. 

Do I have to be awake?

While we are at school and work, Joe is keeping himself busy exploring Marrakech.  Our family has taken a liking to a fellow ASM worker here named Mohammed.  He is the most kind man and he is the same guy who drove Chad and I to the airport.  Joe spent a day with him running errands and learning Arabic.  We are trying our best to learn a balance between French and Arabic so we can communicate with locals and people we are meeting a long the way.  One day, we look forward to being able to invite Mohammed's family for dinner!  Joe even got a free taxi ride home the other day because he is such the conversationalist.  I am a lucky lady to have such a wonderful hearted man. 

This next week, we have off of work due to the Hajj and the Muslim holiday of Eid.  Eid is on the 16th and I have been told by other expats to stock up on food and water because the city will literally be shut down the 16th and 17th as the locals celebrate with their families.  Joe and I decided to take advantage of the break and explore Essouaira.  We have heard wonderful things about the port town and are looking forward to our first stay in a riad in the medina. 

Upon our return, I will blog update all of you as hopefully Joe will then be off on a solo adventure to trek the Atlas Mountains. 

Keep smiling and keep enjoying each and everyday-- we love and miss you all!



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