Monday, March 17, 2014

Diabetes Walk and Badii Palace Ruins

Saturday... how I miss you terribly.  Saturday was a lovely day.  Claire and I woke up around 730a.  I was able to get in my first workout of the day in before we headed out the door to go to the tailor with Anu.  Anu and I grabbed a taxi and headed to the tailor to get a few items hemmed, repaired, and taken-in.  This is my second trip to the tailor and I definately plan to have him sew me some masterpieces, but for now, he has helped me take my wardrobe that didn't fit into my wardrobe that I LOVE.  Watch out world, all of my pins are going to be created! Anu and I then walked down to La Pain de Quotiden and got a few cookies and pasteries.  I asked Claire if she wanted a cookie and she said "No.  I want a Macarooooooooon."  Well, I should have known my little monkey would want one of those;)  We then grabbed a taxi back home by about 1030a.  We walked to Acima to buy groceries for the week.  At about 12p, we had complete my normal weekend routine items.  Wow... that was oddly fast this week.  I attribute it to the taxi rides.  We do not taxi often in Marrakech so a trip to the tailor usually takes a good half day.  

At Acima, I bought her a mini pool.  When I say mini, well it is big enough for her bum and to sit criss-cross.  I caught her standing in a bowl earlier in the day, so I figured that a 20dh pool would be a more suitable choice for the balcony.  I filled the pool up with a couple of bowls of water and she brought gobs of toys out to play.  Soon, the door bell rang and Maia joined in on the fun.  

At 1p, Danielle came over for a haircut.  We scheduled a lady to come color and trim our hair.  Sue, is from England and makes 'house calls' and charges only about 150-200dhs.  It was convenient and she did a wonderful job.  I ended up having her cut Claire's hair too.  Joe took her the last time she got a hair cut which was a long while back.  It was time.  She looks cute in her little bob (in the hat pictures below:))  After our haircuts, we walked around Gueliz, I bought some aviators for 40dhs and called it a day.  It was just a relaxing day filled with accomplishment, fun and friends.

On Sunday, Danielle invited me to the American International Women's Association Diabetes Awareness Walk.  Claire and I decided to go.  We arrived in the Plaza at about 1015a and a small group gathered together.  We walked from the Gueliz Plaza to Badii Palace in the Medina.   

Claire and I ready to walk!

Anna and Amelie

Maria and Safia pushing Claire to the Medina

Danielle, Maia and Nick bringing up the rear
The Medina is always exciting.  So many things to see.  We walked through the Jemma el Fna gate through the monkeys, snake charmers, and into the souks where we passed shoes, baking shops, riads and this Dar Essalam Restaurant.  This restaurant is on my list to take my family to next week when they arrive... I have heard it is amazing and will give us a fun show as we eat traditional Moroccan meals too!

Happy must have been a hot and tired kid.  She slept from before we arrived at the Medina to the Badii Palace (well into our visit).

The Badii Palace Ruins was hosting part of the Marrakech Biennale 5 which is an art exhibition around the city of Marrakech.  

Danielle, Maria, Maia, Nick, Anna, Amelie, Lex, Claire and Safia

Art Exhibition

Garbage Bag and Plastic Wrap Statue

Kotubia Mosque

Danielle and I decided since we have never been to prison, why not go visit when we are not actually inmates!  We entered the Cavdet Erek courtyard then down some stairs to the Badii Palace Prison.  They had sounding dots playing inside the prison making the are seem a bit more intense.

Danielle inside a cell- ghosts and all:)

Allowing light into the prison

Pigeon holed
I absolutely love this picture.  Claire kept running off and standing in front of the statue- staring.  She found him interesting, maybe he is strong like daddy:)

After we left, we decided to grab some lunch in the Medina at Cafe France and then stop for ice cream at Dino's.  Claire normally passes on the ice cream and gets hot chocolate, however, this time, they had ice cream bars.  She ate her ice cream bar until it melted a part and she proceeded to get a bit sad about it.  She wanted me to put it back together.  We had a life lesson on the states of matter.

We were both tired that night.  As I was laying her in bed and she was listening to her Daddy Goodnight Song, she stroked my hair back and said "Your beautiful. You are kind.  Your are smart.  You have a big heart."  It made my heart melt because I know that Mr. F and my words are resonating with her.  She knows how much she is loved.  We have had many talks about daddy, Chaddy, Nonnie, Papa and how we miss them.  She will look at me as say "You miss Chaddy.  I miss Chaddy.  I miss daddy. You miss daddy."  Her heart is filled with so much love and I have all of you at home and all of you in Marrakech to thank for continuing to show our children undying love.  Chad, upon recieving his cards from the ASM family and classmates told my mother "Wow.  They must really like me."  I wish he only understood the depth of love that I know exists for him here in Marrakech.  He would be utterly shocked and probably a little shy:)  Our family, our 'Stina, our Mike, Daddy Nick, and Mommy Anna... all of you have loved our little ones and in turn you each have a huge place in our hearts as family.  No matter if we live in Morocco or The States, our international family means the world to all of us in the Comfort-Fonseca Clan.

Thank you.  We love and miss you all at home.



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