Thursday, March 6, 2014

I am Strong

I am strong because I have been weak.

I am fearless because I have been afraid.

I am wise because I have been foolish.

Life here in Marrakech has taught me a lot and has continued to do so.  Living here, outside of my element, outside of my comfort zone, has taught me to be confident even when I am scared, to be strong and stand for what I believe in, to trust deeply, to see the best in people- even complete strangers, and to see that the scattered messes in every element of life are because we are LIVING.  Although I have work waiting to be completed- piling up even, I still counted the stairs walking up to the staff room with Happy.  I still chased her around my classroom watching her eyes and listening to her laugh just so I could wipe her nose.  I still took ten minutes to lay in bed and sing to her while I stroked her hair, feeling her snuggle her head deep into the crook of my arm.  I still indulged in conversation with my six year old 5000 miles away- making efforts to connect daily, just so I can hear his face and see his handsome face.  I still pried my tired eyes as wide open as I could just to hear and talk with Mr. F.

Just the other day, I was walking out of the kitchen and I noticed the strewn toys, open yogurt, and Weetabix crumbs on the floor.  Normally, my instinct in any other time period of my life would have been to get heart palpitations and immediately clean everything. However, it was as if life smacked me in the face-- I have stopped caring about perfection.  I have stopped stressing and worrying about things that will get done and have chosen to live a life worth living.  To live the depth of life just not the width.  Along the way on this journey, I have been blessed with people in my life who have taught me these values.  Who have shown me that the strewn toys, crumbs and unfinished work don't matter.  Who have only resonated exactly what Mr. F has been telling me for YEARS.  Focus on who matters, not what matters.  Live.  Relish.  Appreciate. Smile.

It has been utterly heartbreaking living without my complete family.  But this family here in Marrakech has filled in a lot of those cracks by turning into a second family.  The Gaunts- sweet Amelie and Maia have become my 'second' daughters, as Claire has become to Nick and Anna.  I can genuinely say I love The Gaunt family as if they have always been a part of my life.  Danielle is a rock for me.  She is fun, hilarious and loves my children.  Romy- Claire's best adult friend:)  Claire and I have developed relationships here in Marrakech that I do not believe we would have ever realized existed in this world until we decided to 'travel.'  Understanding what true friends, true relationships, and building a rich life looks like. Initially, this decision to move was to travel- to see pieces of the world.  However, what moving to Marrakech has manage to do is we have lived another life and have become more understanding and loving in our souls.  I have heard that traveling is the best way to be lost and be found at the same time.  I could not agree with this more.  Life is not meant to be lived in one place- in isolation of understanding and limited growth.  The world holds pain, war, fear, happiness, peace and strength.  It is choosing to live, to travel, to be found that awakens the soul.  I would gladly live out of a suitcase with my family of four if it meant we got to continue to travel the world and discover the richness that life is meant to hold.

This post has developed into something I did not sit down and intend to write.  I intended to share the fun 'normal' life that we have been living here in Marrakech, but once again, my sensitive soul has decided to share what is trapped inside:)

Let's start with the cutest sticker face on the planet...

On Wednesday, Danielle and I decided to celebrate Wacky Wednesday with our students and tie in Dr. Seuss' Wacky Wednesday book into our week long Dr. Seuss author study.  Here we are... all wacky and awesome.  Our bowties are compliments of a lovely lady, Louise who sewed them the night before!

Each week, The Gaunts, Danielle and myself host what is called Dinner With Friends.  We rotate to each other's apartments and dinner is cooked and provided by that family that week.  It is an excellent excuse to get together midweek and also an excuse to not cook!  

Nick, Richard, Louise, Baby Amelie, myself and Anna.
(Danielle is the photographer this time:)
Anna reading to Claire and Maia after Dinner with Friends.
 Our school has pushed for a literacy focus in the Months of February and March.  One of those weeks, we encouraged the kids to dress up as their favorite book character.  I decided to dress Claire up as the Chicka Chicka Boom Book tree.  Is she not the cutest?

My talented mother made me this Madeline dress and I wore it for a literacy assembly to encourage the kids to read.  I walked the Cat-Walk up while our librarian Malin read a poem about Madeline.

That week, Danielle and I were teaching a Mo Willems Author Study.  On Friday, when the entire student body was invited to come in character, Danielle and I threw together pigeon and duckling from The Duckling Gets a Cookie by Mo Willems.  Isn't Danielle creative?!

 I had to post a picture of these strawberries.  Strawberries are in season here in Marrakech.  The other day, at the veggie market, I was able to purchase a kilo of strawberries for 15 dirhams (about $2).  The are nearly red throughout the entire strawberry and are delicious!

Happy loves to spend time with me cooking, making herself a PB&J and steal my ginger ale:)  She is such a beauty and heart throb.

The other weekend, The Gaunts, Anu and I decided to go to the medina for the day.  Evan was playing in the court yard so Claire ran off and started playing with Evan before we left.  I captured a few photos.

Claire reading on the way to the Medina

A beautiful door in the Medina
 Claire wanted to eat Anu's donut so I bought her one.  She devoured the whole thing!

Maia drinking her orange juice from the stand

A artist came up to sit with Happy and he put his hat on her.  She was not amused.  She ended up dropping it on the floor.

 Happy found my glasses and kept putting them on.  She looks cute in upside down glasses!

She even had a glasses moment with dad via Skype!

Here are a few random pictures for you:)  Hope you enjoy!

Happy's photography with the iPad- Most were of my knees!

Happy's new hat and butterfly wings

Happy as a fairy with Elmo in the Bjorn

I am excited to have family here in a matter of weeks to visit us!  Yay for family!  We love and miss you all at home.



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