Friday, June 13, 2014

Where Do I Begin?

Where do I begin in capturing the last month?  Happy and I have been lucky to have visitors, attend parties, and just have some quality time together.  We have been preparing to say goodbye to our friends and family here in Morocco and gearing up for HUGE hugs and kisses upon our arrival back home.  I officially have three bags packed- just waiting to pack the last one with what remains.  My heart is heavy thinking of those that we are leaving behind but ecstatic to finally have my complete family together under one roof.  It has been a long six months.

My brother, Travis and his wife Meredith came to Morocco at the end of May for a week long visit.  Unfortunately, I still had to work during the day, but we were able to still fit in some adventures as soon as I arrived home from work as well as some wonderful adventures over the weekend.  The day they joined us in Marrakech, they had brought Happy some bubbles, and as you can see, they were a joyful surprise.  She is delighted each time she sees the bubble gun.

We ended up walking to the grocery store for some wine and beer so we could barbecue and enjoy the balcony together.  It was a great start to the adventures in store for all of us over the next week.  Seeing Morocco through someone else's eyes helps awaken the senses to the surrounding beauty once again.  What I have found to be normal, because beautiful again.  What seems tattered and broken becomes heart-breakingly beautiful when you take the time to analyze the life it once had.  Travis and Meredith captures Marrakech, it's rich history and beautiful architecture in an awe aspiring way.

We headed to Jemma El Fna one evening after work.  The square hosts much entertainment at night including games, souk shopping, escargot, as well as food carts.  There is no shortage of action between the sellers, the monkeys, and the variety of traffic.  No matter where you are, there is something or someone to interact with.

Travis, Claire and I

We walked home and decided to stop for a beverage at the Plaza at Cafe 16.  We sat out in the evening sun and just enjoyed conversation and a lovely dinner.  I definitely have missed this part of my family!

Travis and Meredith continued their adventures around Morocco as Happy was at school and I was at work.  They came across the weaving of carpets.  Watching the ladies weave was an experience that Travis and Meredith enjoyed.

The Kasbah Entrance

The Carriage Driver
On Saturday, we scheduled a tour to Ourika Valley with a friend of mine, Ismail.  Ismail drove us up to Ourika Valley but we made a few stops along the way.

Our first stop was at a Berber house for breakfast.  We were able to take a tour and learn a bit about how Berbers live, cook, and work.  The ladies made us fresh bread and traditional Berber tea and we filled our bellies with the delicious topping of honey, oil, and cheese.

The Berber home housed a cow that they use for milk and making butter.  The cow was just relaxing as we all walked by, paying no attention.  Happy was rather interested in the cow and kept asking about it as we ate our breakfast and as we walked back to the car.  "Mama, where is the cow?"

The Berber stove used to make food as well as bread.

Berber Tea

Waiting for our breakfast

Happy checking our the Berber Hammam

After breakfast, Ismail drove us to some camels so we could enjoy a camel ride before we reach the Ourika Valley.  On the side of the road was a family of camels, including some baby camels.  I asked if this camel was blind, but was told no his eyes were just different from one another.

As Happy and I rode our, camel there was a baby attached to ours (you can see it's legs- no our camel doesn't have 6 legs!).  She kept pointing to all the camels saying "That is Daddy Joe camel, Mommy Lex camel, Chaddy camel and Happy camel."  Apparently, we are now a family of camels.  I love her creativity.
One of the baby camels was released from the mother camel before we left.  The mother camel was extremely upset and kept calling for her baby.  The baby was calling back, trying to stumble down the hill to watch for his mom.  It was actually incredibly heartbreaking to hear a mother crying out for her baby and unable to reach him.  I am a sap.
Happy and I on our camel

After the camel ride, we drove further up into the valley and we kept passing all of these bridges.  Meredith asked Ismail if we could stop and walk across one of them.  Ismail kindly took us out across the wobbling, swaying bridge.  Travis decided to make it difficult for all of us to walk across as he wiggled and jiggled.  Do you notice my death grip?  Walking across a suspended bridge with a two year old on your hip was interesting to find my center of gravity.

The bridge

Views from the bridge

We reached Ourika Valley and started our hike towards the waterfalls.  We were joined by a couple from Scotland that were really lovely.  Ismail told us their tour guide wasn't strong enough to complete the hike.   As we walked, there were paths of food, souvenirs, and local sights to soak into.

Paths lined with Tagines roasting

Keeping the waters and sodas cook with sprinklers
We finally reached the waterfall.  The water was ice cold.  People were wading in the water complete with shrieks and shrills.  We noticed that many of the women who hiked the slipper slope of rocks either wore slippery flats, sandals and some even barefoot.  It was as if the hiking aspect was completely ignored.  I have to admit, even my sneakers were not the best choice heading up the rocks with a wiggly 17 kilo two year old on my back.

Travis and Meredith

Happy and I

Stabilizing with Happy on my back
After we finished the hike Ismail took us to a restaurant set back in the valleys with a beautiful view.  We feasted on Moroccan salad (essentially Pico de Gallo), chicken tagine, beef tagine and bread.  Between the hike, the view, the delicious food, and family- Happy and I were fulfilled to the max!

Inside the Restaurant: Traditional Moroccan Decor

Inside the Restaurant: Traditional Moroccan Decor

Our lunchtime view
On Sunday, we headed to Essouaira, a small town on the Atlantic.  We had a wonderful relaxing time.  Travis and Meredith booked an apartment called Cap Atlantique.  It was right against the Medina wall with an incredible view of the ocean.

We spent our days wandering the Medina, playing on the beach, trying delectable pastries, carpet shopping for Travis and Meredith, and drinking mint tea.  It was truly relaxing.  I loved being able to spend some quality time with Travis and Meredith and watching Happy love on her uncle and aunt.  I cannot wait to get all of the nieces and Chaddy together over the summer for some much needed playtime!

I love this door.  There is something about Morocco where the detail and beauty meets destruction that makes this a beautiful heartbreak.
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Happy at the carpet souk

Travis and Meredith flew out the following day.  We said our goodbyes at night as Happy and I leave the house at 655am for work.  Goodbyes are hard and have become the hardest thing for me since living here.  I haven't had to say goodbye to so many people before making this choice.

This past weekend, was eventful. My friend Amy and I had a Starbucks date at the new Starbucks that the new mall, then I was invited by Danielle and Romy to join their Cafe du Livre scavenger hunt team.  We were given tasks to complete in the Medina and try to be the first to finish, but we were also judged by the creativity of our pictures.  Here are some pictures from the day:

Yellow Baboushes

Preparing for the Scavenger Hunt: Me, Louise, Romy, Danielle

You may have to live here to appreciate this one, but just imagine entire families on scooters, transporting sheep on scooters, etc... hehe!

Jump shot!
We were the first team to finish, but we didn't have the most points, so we didn't win.  Playing the fantastic teacher role, we missed out on two pictures because we didn't read that two people had to be in every pictures.  We had two pictures with just one of us... therefore, they were thrown out.  Boo hoo.  We had a BLAST though, which made the entire morning wonderful!

We also celebrated with a large rooftop party in celebration of all of the summer birthdays for those who are apart of our Nakhil and ASM community.  Nick and Anna brought up the kiddie pool that was brown from the sand and full of pee I am sure.  However, the kids enjoyed it.

Another family, Nick and Louise brought a straw horse.  The detail of the braiding was amazing and a big hit with the little ones.

Okay, a hit with the adults too.  I had to get a ride from my Maia Love.

Claire and her friend Evan were engrossed with Danielle's famous cheesy popcorn.  They would swim then RUN yelling "POPCORN!' to go eat more.  They had their own bowl until the ate all of it!

Aisha,  one of my favorite people here! I hope to get to see her in Missouri.

Romy!  Love this lady!
The popcorn adventures continued after they finished their bowl.  They were replenished and joined by Annie.  Annie is still dressed up from our scavenger hunt adventure from earlier in the day.

My Portland friend Jill!
Okay, I took this picture mostly for Mr. F and all of you who know me too well.  Here is my living proof that I have been working on my OCD and enjoying the playful messes with Happy!

It is only a matter of days until Happy and I return home.  We are more than excited and cannot wait to see all of your smiling faces.  We love and miss you all at home.



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