Saturday, August 24, 2013

Experiencing All of Marrakech

Today happened to be one of those days where I find myself finally sitting down to rest at 10:30pm.  It was eventful and full of experiences I truly hope will never leave my memories.  There was an incredible amount of history that ended up leaving me in awe and incredibly excited to have taken this journey.  Not only have I met a community of expats that have welcomed my family into open arms, been blessed with a job that allows me to see the world and ensured my family is comfortable, but I feel like this opportunity has really made me rich in just living.

The beginning of my day started when I was awoken by my "Moroccan Phone" which happens to be a pay as you go Nokia "old school" phone.  No smart capabilities, no touch screen, no email... just good old phone calls and text messages (that may take 5 minutes to type).  I am not going to lie... I LOVE it!  My time is not consumed by a small machine, but rather I tend to call my friends to meet in the courtyard and walk to cafes.  Human connection!  After I awoke, I gathered my things and woke up Mr. Chadman.  We met all of the expats in the courtyard and climbed on a tour bus.  The Head of the School, Jean, took us on a guided tour of Marrakech.  Today, I fell in love with Marrakech. 

We first visited the tombs which are absolutely beautiful and so much thought and architecture and beliefs created this place for people to lay peacefully.

Moroccan Tombs
The craftsmanship and tile work was amazing.  The flat tombs were women and the tombs with the raised tiles are men.  In Morocco, they bury those who have passed on their side so there is more room for their loved ones to be buried beside them. They also put limestone on top of the body so earth doesn't touch the body, due to their beliefs.  As Chad may tell you, off behind the trees, we discovered a pink cat.  He has now been on the search for stray cats and has begun to keep count:)

After the tombs, we went to the Bahir Palace.  The Bahir Palace captured so much beauty and craftsmanship as well.  While at the Palace, I learned a lot about the Moroccan culture and the ways they build and decorate their houses to protect from the heat as well as the spirits.  In the palace through every doorway were carvings to Arabic prayers and geometric tiles and paintings because it is believed the spirits will not pass through geometric design.  I was left in awe hearing about the thought and purpose that has gone into building Marrakech. 

Chad and I at the Bahir Palace
At the Bahir Palace, there was a garden that was filled with fruit trees and herbs that are used for medicinal purposes.  Those who lived at the palace didn't need to go to the pharmacy.  Rather, they chose herbs and fruit from the garden to heal ailments. 

After the Bahir Palace, we walked over to the Souk in the Medina (old city).  The old city was beautiful.  There was an odd beauty in the mixture of architecture, color and the poverty that strewed the Medina.  The Souk felt like a maze, but oddly, I felt at home.  The shops lined the corridors with works of beauty in every doorway.  Mostly men housed the shops selling their goods to people passing through.  The selection of textiles, spices, fruit, metal work was absolutely amazing.  What made these items incredibly special is being able to experience watching the craftsmen make their product by etching, carving, pounding, welding, and sewing right in front of you and then seeing their finished products for barter.  The appreciation for the item became decommercialized and was replaced by pure appreciation for how beautiful it truly is.  As we navigated through the Souk, I kept my eyes out for blankets for the kids, gifts for my nieces, and a rug.  I might come home with a ton of amazing Moroccan decor.  Chad- he counted cats.  In the souk, he ended at 34 cats.  I received numerous compliments about Chad and how well he behaved and what a trooper he was, even by Jean, the Head of School.  Proud Mama here:)  This may lead to my next story (which at times you may sense some sarcasm).

We jumped back into the van and returned back home at Nakhil III Apartments.  Chad and I quickly ate and waited for Annie to call so we could head back to Marjane and I could buy Chad school supplies, tupperware, etc...  The other day at Marjane, Chad spotted a red scooter he wanted to buy, but it was our second day and we were overwhelmed and decided to just head home and settle in.  Today, after our trek through Marrakech, I decided Chad deserved a scooter.  (This may also be because this Awesome Mom, didn't bring ANY toys for him).  We went to Marjane and he literally RAN over to where we saw the scooter.  It. Wasn't. There.  Dang.  He was disappointed but sucked it up and decided a bicycle would do... hmm.... not quite what this mom bargained for.  We decided to wait and see what we could find elsewhere.  Well lucky me!  I ended up finding a scooter at Marjane in an isle for 69 dirhams.  Now, all you moms out there... get ready to be amazed.  69 dirhams divided by 8.  That is the amount I paid for this orange metal scooter in U.S. dollars for Chad.  So, when he asked if he could have it, what did I say?  Yep.  (With a crazy person's smile like I was getting away with something awful-- he'd never know it was that cheap right?)  Because I was feeling so awesome, I decided I would buy him an Iron Man kickball.  The price... 2 dirhms.  2 divided by 8... 0.25 cents!!  I have officially spent $8.25 on toys for my child.  We set up Chad's scooter, went down to the courtyard and met some friends to talk and play.  In the midst of scooter riding, we discovered Chad's scooter had light up wheels.  Dang that was worth $8 in it's self. 

Chad's light up scooter wheels

Annie, Jill, Erin, Duncan, Adam, Katie, Lexi and I all sat outside and talked for a while and I enjoyed my first Moroccan Beer, a Lager.  It wasn't bad.  If anything, enjoyable on a hot night.   

We have had an eventful start and we are continuing to enjoy this adventure. We hope you are all well at home.


  1. What great stories and fun you are having. Love and miss you tons!

  2. Have a lager for me... unless they have IPA. We read about the Bahir palace and I can't wait to see it myself with you. Chad is so awesome and speedy we can barely see him! Love you so much!
