Saturday, August 31, 2013

We Keep Adventuring

A week filled with meetings, classroom set-up and preparation is what took place this last week.  Chad has the opportunity to continue to play with a lot of his friends and then spend sometime in my classroom helping out a little bit here and there.  Friday evening, the staff that chose to, joined for socialization up on the rooftop of our apartment building.  It was a great opportunity to get to know everybody a little bit better and relax.  Chad met a lot of of children of other ASM expats and was running around until the boy sweated himself tired.  We stayed to watch the sun disappear, then headed home to shower and crash into bed.  

This morning, the school provided a bus for those teachers who wanted a little more preparation time.  Chad and I (okay, I did) decided a couple more hours in the classroom would help avoid the hecticness of Monday's scheduled family meet and greet.  My classroom has come a long way-- stay tuned for pictures of before and after!  I admit that I brought piles of paperwork and planning home, but more to keep me busy at night instead of pretending to watch tv in French and Arabic.  I am excited for the rest of my family to arrive, so my nights run a bit different! 

On the bus home today, I decided there is NO WAY I could drive here.  People are crazy.  Mopeds, horses, donkeys, cars, bicycles, pedestrians... it is all a bit much for me since it seems that there are really no traffic laws besides stopping at red lights.  Instead, they just honk at each other to communicate.  I think our bus driver is amazing because he navigates our incredibly large bus around successfully. 

Tonight, we decided to head to the square so we can see the snake charmers, shop a little bit, and then head home a bit after dark so we can see the Djemma el Fna lit up.  Another amazing experience lies ahead!  I hope all of you are well at home!  More pictures of our continuing adventure coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your adventures! Wish we could be there to experience them with you. Give Chad my hugs and I want to see pictures of him with the snake charmers! Love you XO
