Sunday, September 22, 2013

I have an 'in"

It is official; I officially feel like I have an “in” with the Veggie guy.  Saturday proved to be a successful trip to the veggie market.  I bought a heavy load of veggies for 50 dhs (5.00 USD) and after I paid, he threw in free cilantro.  I am pretty sure that this means we officially have a status of partners in veggies. 
My Free Cilantro from my Veggie Guy
After the veggie market, we got our other errands completed and I ended up getting my veggie chopping done for the week and freezing a lot of items into the freezer, creating my own little Costco in my pantry and freezer.  Unfortunately, I keep referencing Costco on a frequent basis when buying groceries and Danielle nicely told me I just have to get over Costco perhaps she is right.  Oh but how I would love a Moroccan Costco! 

I may have also decided that I needed to iron.  Having no dryer means that a few of my shirts must suffer the wrath of wrinkles.  So, after they sit aside for a week or two because I am just waiting for the wrinkles to fall out, I decided I just better iron before I don’t have any clothes to wear.  For the first time since I was practically 12 years old, I put out my ironing board, plugged in my iron and ironed three shirts.  I may never wash them again.  After all the veggie chopping and ironing, I was toast, so we decided to head to dinner with the Gaunt Family.  We walked to the Center and found a nice restaurant.  We ordered a lovely meal that tasted wonderful. During dinner, Chad decided to touch a light because it was pretty, which resulted in the ‘natural consequence’ of a burnt finger?  It was his first experience with the burning sensation.  We dipped his finger tips in cold water and iced them.  Upon arrival back at home, we could see that he has a decent size blister, but luckily, that was all.  Lesson learned I suppose.  The whole dinner, Amelie slept buried into my chest sometimes tucked into the crevices of my bicep. 

Before I climbed into bed, I was able to FaceTime with this lovely gal.  Never a dull moment with my Happy girl.

Silly Faces!

Today, we merely relaxed.  Chad built a fort in the living room while I decided to just be lazy and fall in and out of sleep.  Once I decided to no longer fight daylight, Chad and I walked and explored to find a few stores we had heard about.  We ventured a general direction and did end up finding the stores as well as purchasing a few items we have needed for the apartment.  He is always such a trooper.  I have to give him kudos for being who he is We returned back to the apartment and Chad has two friends from upstairs come knocking for him to go ride his scooter.  While Chad went and played, I made two batches of hummus from scratch!  One with garlic and cilantro and then other with harrisse sauce.  They both taste wonderful. 
Fort in the Living Room!

Tonight we walked to dinner with Danielle and Romy to “the best tajine” place not too far from the apartment.  It really was tasty!  I had tajine poulet au citon (chicken tajine with lemon).  My mistake while eating that the yellow strips were NOT bell pepper- they definitely were lemon skin.  Nevertheless, the chicken was incredibly tasty. 

Now I find myself sitting here ready to call it a night before another week at work begins- a week full of observations, meetings, back to school night, and a classroom of smiling first graders.  This has already been a busy yet fun filled year.  It is always amazing to work with a great bunch of people like those at Tuck.  You have your co-workers that basically become family. 
We do miss you all at home like crazy.  Have a wonderful week!

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