Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Red City

Each and every day, I wake up in what is known as “The Red City.”  As you can see, all of the buildings are nearly the same color.  It is rare to see buildings that are not painted beige.  I have learned that this is because the colors of the buildings actually absorb the heat and do not allow it to reflect onto the streets nor make its way into the homes.  The inside of our home is white.  White reflects heat, so our apartment is not conducive to holding the heat in.  However, a 3 bedroom apartment with white tile is not conducive to cleaning.  However, I am learning the Moroccan ways of cleaning, where they dump water onto the floors and sidewalks and ‘sweep’ it clean.  I will often walk into my classroom and there will be puddles drying on the floor.  When you walk down the streets, store owners will be sweeping their sidewalks with puddles of water into the street.  So, I suppose it is about time I actually try this method in the house

View from the Rooftop

Yesterday, school turned out to be another great day.  I was greeted by one of my students who presented me with a braided necklace she made out of craft materials, and I was able to thank her with the traditional ‘French Cheek Kiss.’  (I need to learn how to not be awkward during these exchanges.  They always catch me by surprise!) I feel spoiled and was describing the functionality of my day to Joe.  Today, during kid contact hours, I received at least two hours of prep today.  That does not count my 45 minutes before school and 30 minutes after release.  I feel like a much more creative and effective teacher because I have time to create, search, think and revise plans.  Purposefully teaching.  My students stay on task because they leave the classroom for PE, recess, Arabic, lunch, and a rotation of art, music, library and computers on different days of the week.  They get to play and learn outside of the classroom and away from me.  I must admit, I am also able to be a creative & happy teacher because I have 12 students and a full time assistant.  I am able to teach without much interruption, check work, help students in a timely, and intervene quickly when needed. 

Chad has still been enjoying school.  His music teacher gave me a huge compliment regarding his participation and listening skills today.  When I pick him up from class he is all smiles.  I have never seen him happier and not so apprehensive.  Today, we were walking through the garden at school and Chad and I were looking at the Olive Trees.  We were talking about how they aren’t really digestible at this point, but he was incredibly interested in them.  Apparently, when the Olive Trees ripen, all you have to do is shake the trees and the olives all fall off the branches.  Last year, ASM made olive oil and passed it out to all of the staff members.  I can only wish they do something of the sort again this year.

My Beautiful Friend Jill
When Chad and I arrived home, we met up with Jill and Mike and walked to a local store.  Walking back home, Chad started singing 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe to me.  He was smiling and teaching me all of the phrases.  We then met several friends up on the rooftop but it started sprinkling a bit, so we relocated to Bridgette’s apartment.  Chad ran around and played with Kat and a few other children while I got to know a few more expats.  When we came back home, Chad showered, dried dishes (on his own), and then I tucked him in bed.  After Chad was fast asleep, I kept discovering areas that were freshly organized.  It started in the living room with the coffee table.  He cleared his toys and carefully spaced coasters across the width of the table.  His dish drying escapade ended up with a lot of refrigerator organization; which is an order that we are unable to agree upon.  We seem to be in an endless war of refrigerator organization.  I noticed that during his shower, Chad organized all my shower supplies into a neat line in the back of the tub. Lastly, I opened my closet to put my jewelry away and he had neatly organized my jewelry, and other bathroom supplies upon the shelf.  I have a feeling that tomorrow I will be finding a few more reorganized things.  Seeing all of these small things brought a huge smile to my face and warmed my heart.  He has developed into such a caring boy.

This morning, Chad and I tagged along with a few people from our apartment complex and ASM to the fruit and vegetable market.  We walked past our normal grocery story and turned down a random street.  Upon arrival, a ton of fruit carts littered the streets and as we walked through the pathways, we ended at Danielle’s ‘veggie guy.’  Danielle was greeted with the traditional kisses, which made me want to have a ‘veggie guy’ who greets me every week as well=  After purchasing a large and beautiful variety of vegetables for a mere 20 dirham (2 dollars), Danielle dragged us to a tea and bread stand.  We were greeted and told to sit on crates around a small wooden table built from crates.  Upon arrival, they poured us tea, loaded us up with fresh steaming grilled bread, and bowls to fill with either oil, honey or laughing cow cheese to spread on top.  Patrick recommended we spread cheese on top, and then dip the bread into honey.  Needless to say, all of us devoured our Moroccan bread and sipped our tea while we enjoyed chatting.  Chad even got a piece to take home with us, all for a mere 5 dirhams a piece (.75 cents).  We then headed out to stop at the fruit carts and purchase any wants and needs.  The fruit and veggie carts were amazing.  The quality of the produce is something that I have been unable to find at the local supermarkets.  I do believe that we will have to make this a tradition every weekend.
Our 'Veggie Guy's' Stand

View from the Back of the Market

Chaddy and I at the Bread and Tea Stand

On the way home, I was finally able to exchange some US dollars I have had sitting in my wallet for some time.  It was nice to be able to finally tackle that task.  One bank is open until 12:15 on Saturdays.  Yeah!!! 

A Spice and Homeopathic Souk Shop
Chad and I rested for about two hours at home then met with Romy, Danielle, Mike and Jill and walked to the Medina.  I was on a mission: two blankets, hammer pants, slippers, wooden snake not only did I actually buy all of those things, but Romy and Danielle showed us they way of bartering.  Really, just know your price and if they won’t agree, just walk away.  Every time, I paid the price I thought was fair.  I was asked to buy Chad’s wooden snake for 150 dirhams, but knew 10 or 20 was reasonable.  I was asked to buy two pairs of slippers for 180 dirhams, ended up paying 60 dirhams.  They definitely try to work you, and some places, you just don’t buy from if you don’t agree because two or three shops down, they sell the same items!
Daniell, Chad and Romy

Chaddy with his Wooden Cobra
During my blanket purchasing for Chad and Claire, the blanket guy was very kind and helped us pick out ones we liked.  He wrapped Chad up in a scarf so he could pretend he was going camel riding!
My Camel Riding Child
On the way home, we stopped at a supermarket to grab a few essentials, then headed to Dino’s Gelato and had a bit of ice cream.  Overall, we walked about 5 miles today and Chad was a trooper! My feet hurt, needless to say, I realized that in the weeks we have been here and left our home, and I have only walked and stood on concrete or tile. However, I did get a treat at Aisha’s apartment and she has let me borrow a plush carpet until I find one I want to purchase.  I think I have caught both Chad and I standing in the middle of our entry way, just enjoying the relaxation. 
Tomorrow, we are going to have a ‘quiet’ but productive day to ready ourselves for the week.  Workout with some friends at 9am, drag over furniture from Romy’s and then hopefully just settling in for the rest of the day.
We love and miss you all. 



  1. You and Chad look so happy and healthy! Keep the pictures coming! XOXOXO

  2. I can't believe that Chad got a snake! Eww! :)
