Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Bizarre, the Quirky and the Unexpected

Life here in Marrakech continues to be more than I could have ever fathomed it would become.  From teaching to life in general, I could only urge those people who have ever thought of taking such an adventure to dive in head first and go!  There will never be a perfect time.  But experiencing life here in Morocco has been simply inspiring.  The drastic differences in the people, the music, the food, the landscapes, the sights and sounds and the lifestyle has helped me scratch the surface of becoming a better teacher, a better mom, and has began to create a wanderlust soul.  We have started to develop a life over here that continuously surprises me; from bizarre to quirky to the unexpected life here in Morocco has already been a wonderful journey.

Yesterday, after a busy day of work, Chad and I headed home on the van.  Watching out the window, I saw the sheep herder, herding his sheep in the field.  I heard myself sigh.  The beauty of the desert, palm trees, the people and the architecture has captivated me; I may come back with only photos of doors and windows.  We arrived home and met a couple of ladies on the rooftop for a rooftop workout.  We worked out in the heat, sweating together, all at different fitness levels but encouraging one another to keep on going.  Yes, this did make me miss home.  The Triumph Family is an irreplaceable family, but I am accepting this as 'growing' the Triumph Family. 

After workout, we walked with Lexi to Paul's.  Which living near a bakery that sells amazing bread is a terrible idea.  Chad always lights up when we enter the bakery because the smell overwhelms his senses but then he begins to pick out what special spread of breads he wants to take home.  We bought a loaf of bread and a khobz.  The Khobz was delicious.  We tore pieces apart and then spread vache qui rit formage  (laughing cow cheese) on it.  We were nearly still shoving our bread in our mouths when we knocked on Aisha's door. 

Aisha has become a wonderful friend.  She is from Missouri, but her family moved to The States from Pakistan. Her and her husband lived in Libya for years, but she moved her children when the war began.  Her husband still works in Libya and Aisha plans to return to Libya sooner rather than later.   She has opened up her home and given to my family in anyway she can.  She is kind hearted and her children are sweet.  Chad really enjoys playing with her daughter Maya.  Chad ran off to play and Aisha taught Danielle and I how to make the traditional Moroccan mint tea!  I am excited to have been taught this tradition by Aisha and I plan to make the tea for those of you who plan to visit me.  Needless to say, a Moroccan tea pot is on my list for the souks.  We sat for about an hour talking and  sharing stories of travel. Okay, I just listened to the stories of travel, but listening to Danielle's travel knowledge, where to go, how to get there, what to see-- just added into the confirmation that coming to Marrakech is the best thing for myself and my family.  To see the world.  Open our eyes.  Listen. Learn. Love. The world is so big and being granted the ability to see, touch, smell the world-- Oh the Places We Will Go!!

This weekend holds minimal plans, which will be incredibly nice-- I hope to tackle some birthday shopping for two people who will be arriving to Marrakech soon; only Moroccan presents from the souks!  Sunday, Chad and I were invited to two birthday parties.  One in his class (from 2pm-7pm!! Whaaaaat?!) and another for a student in my class at an ice cream parlour not too far from our apartment.  I believe we will head to the ice cream parlour instead of navigating taxis to who-knows-where.  Also, because our conversation went a little something like this:

Me: 'Chad, you got invited to Rania's birthday party.'
Chad: 'Who is she?'
Me: 'I don't know, she is in your class. Who is she?'
Chad: 'Um, can you explain her to me?  How tall is she? What color is her hair?'
Me: 'Right.  I don't know her either.'

As kind as the invite was for Chad and if navigating to the far parts of Marrakech was easy, I may have decided to attempt it.  Considering all factors, I think it is best if we go to birthday parties for children we know at this point.  Kayan's party is supposed to have a magician, a clown, etc... so Chad should still enjoy himself quite well.

In addition, my third neice was born! Isla arrived early this morning (Moroccan time:)).  She is beautiful and healthy.  I can't wait to see pictures of Finley with Isla.  I remember when Chad held Claire for the first time.  I swear his eyes glittered-- he was so proud.  Congrats to my brother and my sister-in-law.  Love them so much.

Tonight, Chad and I are still at school until about 7:30pm because we have a reception for new student's and I do have one family who is planning to attend.  While we wait, Chad is organizing my classroom, playing on the playground and then we will enjoy eating pizza with the other expats who stayed at school.  I will have a couple hours to play in my classroom and plan some upcoming adventures for my family.

Much love to all of you at home.



1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you! I have tears in my eyes though... selfishly... for how much I miss you and how much you have grown... baby sister. I love you and I love my kiddos, both so much!!!!
