Thursday, September 5, 2013

What is Normal?

Riding home on the bus today, my eyes were heavy from a busy day (from all 12 students I have:)) and it occurred to me that life in Marrakech is becoming 'normal.'  The van driver's sudden breaking shoving the entire force of your body forward no longer takes much of an effect, the sauna treatments we receive on the hot and steamy bus are now just expected, the donkeys, horses, mopeds, and insane driving is no longer odd.  Planning our 4-5 block walk to the local supermarket and trekking our groceries home, communicating with the few words of French I know discovering that the cashier wants more specific change that what I had handed her... it all has become our way of 'normal.'  Marrakech is beginning to feel like a home. 

Olive Trees on the KG Playground at ASM
I cannot stress enough the amazing friends and community support we have here at The American School of Marrakesh.  Jean, the Head of School, comes into my room every time he walks by just to ask if I need anything, how Chad is settling in, and usually leaves with a bow and a wink.  Romy, the curriculum coordinator has answered countless questions I have thrown at her, allowed me to randomly knock on her apartment door in search of a can opener, and is going to help me drag more furniture into my apartment this weekend.  My teaching partner, Danielle, is easy going, kind and giving.  Romy and I volunteered her to take us to the Souk so I can finally purchase those things I have been eagerly longing for.  Aisha, who lives two floors below me is letting us borrow gobs of toys for Chad and Claire because she said they have an over abundance in their apartment.  Chad has a "scheduled" hair cut tomorrow in the apartment above us by another mother of two little girls from England. 

Souk in the Medina

Leaving my friends and family at home has been hard, but to be welcomed into such a community and have people inviting everyone everywhere, creating friendships and circles that I can only hope will last a lifetime.  As hard as the decision to move to Marrakech was, my life feels incredibly rich in every way, and will only become richer with time.

I miss my little girl more than words can describe and I am incredibly antsy for them to arrive.  Her singing, voice, laughter, and happiness do fill my apartment every night via FaceTime (even though she really just wants to see Chaddy).  Tomorrow brings our Friday-- another rooftop gathering, birthday dinner celebration and then crashing into bed.  Saturday brings the excitement and trance of the Souks...  I will share our first Moroccan Souk purchases with you upon arrival back home. 

My Beautiful Happy Girl

Much love.



1 comment:

  1. What a great adventure for you and Chad. Glad you are feeling 'at home'. Claire will be with you SOON!!! She misses you tons too. XO
